Books, TBR Challenge

Cora’s TBR Challenge Check-In

Happy August, fellow readers! Are you getting in a lot of summer reading?

I’m still woefully behind, as has become usual for me 🙂  And I had an e-reader mishap, in the bargain–somehow An Extraordinary Union got reset back to the first page, and I have no idea where I was! I suppose I’m going to have to start that one over, but the first half was so good I don’t think I mind too much.

I’ve also begun reading Darcy Burke’s novella To Love a Thief, which has been languishing in my TBR for nearly 7 years! So progress is being made, and my working/writing schedule has become less frantic for a bit so I’m confident that this progress will continue, at least for a while 🙂

Books, TBR Challenge

Cora’s TBR Challenge Check-In

We’ve hit the end of February, fellow readers. How is your TBR Challenge going?

I, predictably, am a little behind. And just when it looked like I was going to get caught up, Mr. Migraine became a regular visitor when our weather got weird. And now I’m trying to get the books I’m judging for the RITAs this year finished in time. So I’ll likely be behind for a little bit longer.

But I have three books to go back to once my RITA reads are completed. I started listening to The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, read by Richard Armitage. It’s a short book, but I keep getting distracted by the narrator, lol, so I need to try again with a better attention span. I also started reading The Year Without Summer: 1816 and the Volcano That Darkened the World and Changed History, which has been interesting so far. I’m about halfway through Alyssa Cole’s An Extraordinary Union, too, and I can’t wait to get back to it!

Books, TBR Challenge

Cora’s TBR Challenge Check-In

It’s the last day of 2018, fellow readers! Did you meet your TBR Challenge goal?

I didn’t even come close this year. Goodreads says I only read 14 books from my TBR pile out of the 36 I’d hoped to read, and only 19 books overall. I feel bad about that–I love books and reading, and this is the lowest total I’ve had since I started keeping track. But I know exactly what happened. I didn’t read enough during the first half of the year, and the second half was very stressful: writing deadlines, my own health issues, expensive car repairs, and Max’s trips to the vet wore me out. When he was diagnosed with lymphoma a few weeks ago, that did me in. I was/am just too tired to read.

I also purchased 52 books this year, so not only did I not get my TBR pile down much, but I added a considerable amount to it! I have been periodically culling the herd, so to speak, by deleting books from my ereader that I know I’ll never read and boxing up paper books for donation to my local library. That makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something, at least–even if I’m not reading those books, I’m getting them off my list  🙂

Happy New Year to all of you! I’ll be back later in the week with a new TBR goal for 2019.

Books, TBR Challenge

Cora’s TBR Challenge Check-In

We’ve made it through two-thirds of the year already! Are you two-thirds of the way to your TBR Challenge goal?

I am one-third of the way to may goal, lol–behind again this year. This month writing deadlines are mostly to blame: I’ve got more work than I’d like to admit left on The Duke of Darkness, and a Christmas novella due tomorrow (yikes!). Things have also been picking up at the Day Job, and I’ve had a few gifts to crochet for weddings and babies on rather short notice. I’ve gotten a lot done, but very little of it has been reading.

I’m not terribly optimistic about my reading time for September or October, though I’m hoping not to fall too far behind. It looks like I’m going to be sprinting to the finish again this year, reading the bulk of my TBR Challenge books in the last two months!

Photo credit: ginnerobot via Flickr
Books, TBR Challenge

Cora’s TBR Challenge Check-In

Month seven is coming to a close–how is your TBR Challenge going?

I have finally made some progress on mine, though I still have a long way to go. I’m up to 7 “old” (acquired before August 1, 2017) books read and 4 “new” (acquired in the past 2 months) books read for a total of 11. That gives me 25 left to go!

I’m not liking the decision to read half of my TBR books within two months of acquisition, though. Rather than reminding me to read books sooner and not let them languish on my e-reader or in a bin, it’s kind of stressing me out. Reading books is supposed to be fun, and the within-two-months stipulation made it feel more like a chore. So I’m ditching that part of my challenge 🙂  I’m sticking to my original goal of 36 books from my TBR pile, but for the rest of the year any book acquired before 2018 will count. And I’ll get to the books I bought this year as fast as I can!

Books, TBR Challenge

Cora’s TBR Challenge Check-In

Happy Spring, fellow readers! We’re one third of the way through the year. Are you one third of the way through your TBR Challenge?

Goodreads tells me I’m 6 books behind, but given my slow start this year, and the time I spent reading books for the RITAs (which I didn’t count toward my goal), I’d say that’s not too bad. Plus, I’ve got three books going right now: Dracula, Prince of Many Faces (research), Matriarch: Queen Mary and the House of Windsor (audiobook), and The Bargain: A Port Elizabeth Regency Tale (fun). Finishing those three relatively soon will get me closer to being back on track. The meteorologists are all forecasting beautiful weather for most of this week, too. So perhaps I’ll be able to sit outside with a book when I get home from the day job and enjoy the sun 🙂

A small aside: we celebrated Max’s “birthday” this week, otherwise known as Gotchya Day or The Day He Came Home From The Rescue. He got a couple of new toys and snacks, and lots of attention at the day job (he comes to work with me every day). He was also bouncing around as if he’s not a 10-year-old German Shepherd with severe arthritis, so I’m guessing he had a good time!

Books, TBR Challenge

Cora’s TBR Challenge Check-In

We’re through the first quarter of the year, fellow readers. Are you a quarter of the way through your TBR Challenge?

I’m not, but I’m starting to gain some ground. I’ve taken to listening to audio books while I’m playing Solitaire or crocheting something easy (I only started a few months ago, so I don’t make things with elaborate patterns). That’s gotten me through three audio books that have been waiting patiently for a couple of years for my attention: The Clockwise Man (a Doctor Who novel), and the first two installments of Cressida Cowell’s How To Train Your Dragon series (which are nothing like the movies, but read beautifully by David Tennant).

That makes me just 1/12 of the way to my target of 36 books this year, but it’s progress. And I can listen to audio books even when my chronic fatigue rears its ugly head, so that’s a plus. Here’s to a book-filled April!

Books, TBR Challenge

Cora’s TBR Challenge Check-In

What a year it’s been already! We’re two months in, fellow readers–how is your challenge going?

My chronic illnesses have been doing their best to knock me off my game…and it’s working so far. I had an asthma flare in January and missed our first check in of the year. And my chronic fatigue spent several months kicking my backside. So in the past two months, I’ve managed exactly one book from my Before-August 1, 2017 pile and none from my Read-Within-Two-Months pile.

Thankfully, everything seems quiet now and back to my normal, so perhaps March will be the month I get back on track. I have a couple of RITA entries left to read, then I can get back to my personal stash 🙂 I have a couple of library books I’ve checked out repeatedly but haven’t managed to read yet–The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare and 11/22/63 by Stephen King. I’ve had them out so long I’m not even sure they’ll count toward the TBR Challenge anymore (I’d planned to include them in the Read-Within-Two-Months category), but I think those are the two I’ll start with.

Books, TBR Challenge

Cora’s TBR Challenge 2018

A new TBR Challenge for a new year! Is this the year you finally vanquish your TBR pile?

I don’t know about “vanquish,” but I am determined to chip steadily away at my ginormous TBR pile again this year. With the added data I collected last year (the number of books I purchased was an eye opener!), I’m making another change for this year’s challenge.

1. How many books from your TBR pile will you read? I’m actually setting two numbers for this year: one for books I’ve had for a while, and one for new books. A major reason my TBR pile is out of control is because I procure books faster than I can read them, and so many of my new books end up collecting dust on a shelf or languishing on my e-reader. This year, I’m pledging to read 18 books from my TBR pile and 18 books within two months of acquiring them.

2. How long have your books been waiting? For the purposes of this challenge, the “old” books I read must have been acquired by me or placed on my library TBR list before August 1, 2017. This means I can’t buy new books in January and count them toward my TBR Challenge come September–which I found myself doing at least once during the first year, and kind of defeats the purpose of the challenge.

3. How will you hold yourself accountable? Like years past, I’ll post here once a month to share my progress and see how you all are doing. I found that creating a Goodreads shelf (this year I’ll have 2: one for “old” books, and one for “new” booksand the dedicated page on this blog to be enormously helpful, too, so I’ll do both again. I’m a very visual person and being able to see the collection of books that I’ve read gives me a nice sense of accomplishment, which makes me want to read more TBR books.

4. What about adding more books to the pile? Like last year, I’m going to keep track of how many books I purchase with a Goodreads shelf. Numbers are powerful (especially to me, with my background in math), and it will be good to have a 2018 total to compare with 2017.

Who’s next? How are you going to vanquish your TBR pile this year?

Books, TBR Challenge

Cora’s TBR Challenge Check-In

Happy almost-September, fellow readers! We’re three-quarters of the way through the year already! Are you going to make your TBR goal?

We have seventeen weeks left (plus the rest of this one), so I’m still in the hunt. I took a two-week break after I finished writing The Good, The Bad, And The Scandalous and didn’t do any writing at all. I’ve just been reading and trying to whittle down my Netflix queue 🙂  I’m up to five TBR books read now, and I have 16 to go in order to meet my goal. That’s totally do-able, as long as the Migraine Monster stays away and I don’t fall down too many research rabbit holes working on my next book.

I also started to organize my TBR books a little better this week. I got out good old Excel and made a spreadsheet of all the books I had that belonged to a series. I discovered that I have eight complete series on my Kindle that I haven’t even started reading, and several others that are nearly complete. Yikes! I suspect there are more, too–I haven’t quite made it through my whole collection yet–so that’s probably what I’ll focus on next. Perhaps I’ll be binge-reading over Labor Day weekend rather than binge-watching!

Photo credit: ginnerobot via Flickr