Cora’s ARC Team

An ARC Team is a group of people who receive advanced reader copies (ARCs) of books, usually before they are released, and agree to leave an honest review of those books. Readers rely on reviews to decide if a book is right for them, so the more honest reviews a book has, the easier it will be for the right readers to find it.

How does this ARC Team work?

When I have a new release on the way, I email my ARC Team to let them know when the advanced copy will be ready, where to get it, and when release day is. My ARCs are always ebooks that need to be downloaded, but help is available if you have trouble.

Once the team has received the ARC, they read and leave honest reviews at Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, Bookbub, etc. as close to release day as possible. Not everyone will want/be able to review every ARC–life happens!–so if you can’t/don’t want to read a particular book you simply don’t download that ARC. If you want to read the book but can’t get a review posted near release day, just let me know 🙂

How do I sign up for Cora Lee’s ARC Team?

To become part of my ARC Team, you must agree

–Not to share ARCs with anyone else.

–To post a review at an online book retailer, Goodreads, Bookbub, etc for each ARC you receive.

–Not to share major spoilers in your reviews.

–To allow me to use your review, in whole or in part, for promotional purposes without compensation.

If that sounds good to you, fill out this form (and click the confirmation email when it arrives!), and you’ll be added to the list for the next ARC!