Books, TBR Challenge

Cora’s TBR Challenge Check-In

Ten months down, fellow readers–how goes your TBR Challenge?

Mine has been abysmal for the third consecutive month. The Christmas novella I was writing is finished (and available in the anthology Christmas Ever After for a limited time!), but there’s still a lot of work to do on The Duke of Darkness and that’s what I’ve been devoting my time to.

I did managed to start reading a short novel/long novella a couple of weeks ago, but the hero is such an alpha-hole I don’t know if I’m going to finish it. I might–I want to read the rest of the heroine’s journey, and I’m curious to see if the hero learns a thing or two about consent (thought I’m not holding out much hope for him). But if I do, it won’t be until after Darkness is safely uploaded.


Christmas Ever After now available for pre-order!

You might remember me mentioning in a TBR check in or two that I was writing a Christmas novella. It’s called Kissing by the Mistletoe, and features a heroine who longs for a measure of independence, with a sweet cinnamon roll of a hero who is her (male) best friend’s little brother ❤ It’s also available for pre-order in the anthology Christmas Ever After with seven other novellas for just $0.99/£0.99!

Here’s the blurb for Kissing by the Mistletoe:

Maddie Hayward has been actively looking for a husband for nearly three years, but no gentleman will spare her more than a smile. Everyone thinks she’s destined to wed Kit Mathison…except neither of them is interested in a romance with the other. When Kit and his family come to visit the Haywards for Christmas, the whole village expects a proposal—but Maddie has other plans. Can she convince everyone that her friendship with Kit will never be a courtship? Or will she have to choose between her closest friend and the chance at family of her own?

Thomas Mathison has loved Maddie since the day they were first introduced, but can’t ask for her hand until he can afford to support a family. When she suggests a sham courtship between them he agrees, despite his misgivings. Being seen with someone other than Kit would shatter the illusion of an arrangement between them and give Maddie a chance at a happy life. But while she would be feigning affection, Thomas would not. Can he conceal his true feelings from her while executing her plan? Will he have the strength to let her go when he returns to Edinburgh?