Books, TBR Challenge

Cora’s TBR Challenge Check-In

Five months down and seven to go, fellow readers! How is your TBR Challenge going?

According to Goodreads, I have only completed one book this year. The last time I read that little was when I was still a teacher with barely enough energy at the end of the day to take care of myself, so I’m both shocked and not at all surprised by my current total. Shocked because I didn’t realize the total was *so* low until I looked at it to write this post. Not at all surprised because, between the new house and the new day job, I haven’t been this busy in literal years. I’m enjoying both, but there’s a lot of work to do!

On the bright side, I’ve begun using an old trick to motivate myself when it comes time to do yard work–an audiobook! Right now I’m listening to Sherry Thomas’s A Study In Scarlet Women while I cut the grass, and sometimes that book is the only reason my yard doesn’t look like an abandoned lot, lol. The narrator is amazing and the story itself has been very interesting so far (though I sometimes wonder if I should have read this one with my eyes instead of my ears–I’m more of a visual learner than an auditory one). I’m not even halfway through, but I suspect this is a series I’m going to devour 🙂

Cover of A Study In Scarlet Women by Sherry Thomas

2 thoughts on “Cora’s TBR Challenge Check-In”

  1. Hi Cora! It sounds like your new job and new home are working out for you! I have started listening to a lot of audiobooks in the last year, mostly when I’m walking or at the gym. I’m doing pretty well with my GR reading challenge, but as usual, not so good at the actual TBR stack. Lots of new & shiny books this year! I have read or listened to 78 books! Enjoy your summer! I’m getting visits from both kids in June, so I’m excited!


  2. >>>It sounds like your new job and new home are working out for you!
    There have been some bumps, but so far so good 😀

    >>>mostly when I’m walking or at the gym.
    I need to add one of those to my schedule!

    Enjoy your visits with your kids and have a safe summer!


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