Books, TBR Challenge

Cora’s TBR Challenge Check-In

One month down, fellow readers! Have you had a good start to your TBR Challenge?

I got off to a good start with Caroline Dunford’s A Death in the Family, the first in her Euphemia Martins mystery series, which I’d had on my Kindle for a couple of years. Then I picked Historical Whodunits out of one of my bins,an anthology of historical detective stories from Ancient Egypt all the way up through the Victorian era. Historical fiction and mysteries are two of my favorite genres, so I’m really looking forward to this one.

Then my RITA books came! I’m judging for the RITA awards this year (the Oscars of the romance genre), and my packet of books appeared on my doorstep last week. I can’t say anything about them, or even acknowledge that I read them until after the awards ceremony in late July. I have to have my scores in by March 7, so my Goodreads totals are going to look rather sad for a while, but I’m going to try to sneak in a TBR book among the RITA entrants next month 🙂

Photo credit: ginnerobot via Flickr
Photo credit: ginnerobot via Flickr

8 thoughts on “Cora’s TBR Challenge Check-In”

  1. I’m on track to read my 3 books for January but I fell down badly on my resolve to only acquire books by auto-buy authors. I’ve added a further 7 books to my priority list this month!


  2. Hi Cora & Carol! Since I decided not to count rereads for my GR challenge, I am behind, having read only 6 books, so far. I have, however, read 2 of the Mackenzie books, The Untamed Mackenzie and Daniel’s book. Hopefully by the end of next month, I will be through with that series. I haven’t read my contest win book, yet, but I will get it done by the end of the month. I listed Cross My Heart and The Dare and the Doctor, both of which I won on GR. I will see which one hits me! Good luck with your RITA reads, Cora! And Carol, I just ordered a new book on Amazon – yesterday was payday. LOL. I can’t promise not to acquire new. I don’t have it in me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re making good progress with the Mackenzies! I’m looking forward to the RITA books–I might even make it to the actual awards ceremony this year, so it would be fun if one of the books I judged made it to the finals 🙂


    2. Sharlene, I was up to date reading the Mackenzies and McBrides series but over the last 12 months I have fallen behind and need to read three books to catch up and there is another to published in October this year.

      Cora, I hope you get to go to the RITA awards ceremony. Where iis it being held?


      1. The RITAs are always held during RWA’s national conference, and this year it’s in Orlando, FL. My grandparents live in Central Florida, so I might be able to make it a multi-purpose trip and visit with them for a while, too 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Isn’t it on or around Disney? Can’t go wrong with that! I was hoping to get to RT in Atlanta. Kim Rocha from Book Obsessed Chicks is going (I’m in the book club, which meets on LI) and someone else from my book club is going. My 24 year old son lives in Atlanta, as well as my Dad’s Ex Wife, so I was looking to multitask, too! However, I think this is yet another one that is not in the cards, unless I win LOTTO. Looking at the activities, I think it might be a little too wild for me, anyway! HRR looks more my speed!


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